Transformational Birth Support Coaching Year-Long Membership Program

Birth Coach Method is an approved continuing education provider offering webinars and courses that address the undeveloped nitch of verbal leadership strategies and coaching skills in the field of childbirth support.

The Birth Support Coaching certificate course is designed to enrich birth support figures of all types: doulas, childbirth educators, prenatal yoga teachers, L&D nurses, and everyone else who supports expectant couples, with coaching tools and strategies. These are the same strategies practiced by coaches, in a variety of coaching fields, in order to lead their coachee to optimally perform in the area in which they are being coached.

The Coach’s primary role is helping your clients become more in touch with their own inner truth – beliefs, values, wishes and intuition and confidently feel that they have the resources within themselves to go through the journey of pregnancy and birth. We value evidence-based information and at the same time, we help our clients to use their truth as a compass and navigate through the overload of data. 

Once you begin implementing the coaching strategies and skills into your birth support practice, you will achieve better results leading expectant parents to achieve their desired birth, and you will have a greater impact in the field.  Patient-centered care, patient autonomy, informed consent, patient accountability, and an increase in vaginal birth rates can all be achieved by integrating coaching into childbirth support.  

This course relies on The Art of Coaching for Childbirth as its textbook. In addition to the book, each lesson consists of videos, articles, and an additional resource list. Your learning experience includes homework tasks which will be discussed in our weekly Zoom meeting.


  • To increase the rates of physiological vaginal births, as well as patients’ satisfaction with the birthing experience.
  • To understand and embrace the coaching relationships as a pathway to patient-centered childbirth support and maternal care, and develop concrete tools and strategies which will be used to facilitate: informed consent, patient’s autonomy, patient’s higher level of confidence, increased rates of vaginal childbirth, and higher satisfaction levels.
  • To establish client-centered relationships with expectant parents and lead them to navigate mindfully, and with respect to their beliefs and values, through the overwhelming information and the often conflicting studies that proclaim to be evidence-based.
  • To decrease the tension between different schools and approaches to maternal care, and between the different agents in the field of childbirth support.
  • To provide continuity of care that begins prenatally and continues throughout the childbearing years.  Continuity of care by a transformational coach who understands the profound transformation of pregnancy, birth, and becoming a parent is the most needed empowerment and can save many birth givers from PP depression.
  • Learn verbal coaching techniques that will help you to provide virtual services.

Course Lessons: 

  1. Childbirth Support in Review and the Value of Integrating the Principles and Strategies of Coaching into the Field.
  2. Introduction to Coaching: The Origins, Philosophy,  Professional Principles and Basic Terminology.
  3. The structure and strategies of the Coaching Process: The GROW Model of Coaching and its Application to Childbirth Support, pacing and leading, matching representational systems, and unique coaching exercises that are designed around the unique challenges of childbearing years.
  4. Prenatal Coaching: The Foundation of Client-Centered Childbirth Support.
  5. Coaching through Labor and Pain.
  6. Coaching in light of Medical Conditions, Complications, and Impositions throughout Pregnancy and Birth.
  7. Coaching for a Healthy and Coherent Closure of the Birth Experience.
  8. Establishing Your Transformational Birth Support Coach Practice

Certification Requirements: 

  1. Complete the online self-study of all the program lessons.
  2. Attend at least 65% of the Zoom meetings.
  3. Submit the 20-Day Action Plan.
  4. Pass the final exam (scoring at least 70%).
  5. Have at least one-year experience practicing as a birth support practitioner (birth or postpartum doula, childbirth educator, prenatal yoga instructor, nursing degree, midwifery or other), or
  6. If you are new to the field of birth support and aren’t trained as a birth support practitioner of any type, we will require you to study a list of prerequisite classes offered by Birth Coach Method.
  7. Print and sign the code of ethics and scope of practice agreement.
  8. Pay the registration/annual renewal fee of Birth Coach Method membership listing – $60 annually.
  9. Submit the application for certificate.

Ready… Set… Coach!